
About us

We are changing the game in the technology industry. With innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology and a hassle-free installation service, TenAV is paving the way for a more connected, efficient, and productive world. From state-of-the-art software to intuitive hardware in spaces that are built for AV; TenAV is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible; because we love what we do!

The world of AV is changing, and fast!

hybrid conferencing

The hybrid work environment began with the rise of global businesses. The role of audio-visual technology has become critical.

Technology began to catch up and consultancies like TenAV were formed to help navigate the new array of complex products and solutions.

av products and solutions
room booking

The pandemic hit and changed the way we work; forever.

Businesses begin to wrestle with the new challenge of remote collaboration.

microsoft teams rooms
microsoft front row

Companies like Microsoft have begun to lead the charge in developing more flexible, inclusive technology.

So, how do we navigate this brave new world?

av projects

When thinking about your AV projects, you need to work to prioritise the following key aspects:


The best way to prepare for an unknown future

We are experiencing an unprecedented change in our working practices.

But, never fear, if your solutions are highly flexible, you can adapt to any environment and know no resource has been wasted by making your space work harder.


Efficiently using your investments to not get left behind

It is difficult to predict how you might use your AV in the future, or how the environment might change.

By analysing changing environments, and current usage data, you can begin to forecast for the future to help make investment decisions.


Bringing everyone along for the ride

The additional complexity of navigating involving remote and in-person meeting participants remains a challenge.

Ensure your AV, from video conferencing to LED walls, is working as hard as it can to promote engagement, retain attention and delight all users.

technology as a service


What does this look like?

A flexible space allows you to adapt to function for any style of event, meeting or marketing campaign.

Unsure where to hang your TV and soundbar?

Try a mobile unit with advanced cable management.

Have a space you’d like to divide up?

Try some room dividers, soundproofing and hidden microphones with intelligent technology to isolate the spaces.

Having an ongoing relationship with a technically minded AV company like us, through our TaaS™ option means you can keep up with new opportunities to gain further flexibility.

Future Thinking

What does this look like?

How do you know how your office will expand or contract without analysing current usage trends?

Are you paying for air con in an empty half of the office?

A desk booking system can help you isolate spaces to give air conditioning and light – reducing your running costs.

Have empty meeting spaces sitting unused?

Perhaps it’s too hard to navigate the current AV setup.

av engineers and av setup

TrackAV™ offers just that; the ability to monitor how people use the space to give you a data-driven trajectory into how you might use it in the future.

This helps you figure out ways to further optimise the office floor space and plan ahead for the next few years.

video conferencing and digital signage


What does this look like?

A lacklustre AV setup can reduce the engagement of remote participants.

Do you prefer to VC from your desk than wrestle with trying to turn on the meeting room TVs?

A delightful video conferencing experience and a consistent approach to BYOD will increase take-up, communication, and collaboration – enhancing your business and promoting flexibility in other areas.

Purchased a new digital signage system, only to have people completely ignore it?

Ensuring your visual AV like LED walls caters to all diverse needs and interests to maximise attention and conversions.

Microsoft in particular are doing incredible work to promote accessibility in video conferencing with their new Front Row view in Microsoft Teams.

If you thought Front Row was just a new layout to put on a bigger screen… you need to talk to us; because it is so much more.

Let us be done with tensions, complaints and swear words and step into a brighter future where audio-visual technology adapts to us, not the other way around.

Management Team


Managing Director


Technical Manager


General Manager